Saturday, October 16, 2010

Amassco Advocate

Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown locked in battle for broken state of California

Who will inherit Arnold Schwarzenegger's poison chalice?

Meg Whitman Meg Whitman has put more than $100m of her own money into the California governorship race – and is still slightly trailing Jerry Brown. Photograph: AP

The candidates fighting to become governor of California were faced with an unusual sight when they met last week for their final pre-election debate.

Moderating between the Democrat Jerry Brown, a liberal dubbed "Governor Moonbeam" when he held the position in the 1970s, and the Republican Meg Whitman, a former Silicon Valley chief executive, was an injured debate host, Tom Brokaw.

Brokaw, one of America's most famous TV newsmen, had broken his ankle and he hobbled on stage on crutches. He could not resist comparing his condition with that of California. "We're both broken at the moment," he said. "The difference is that I hope to be repaired before the beginning of the year."

The punchline lies in the cruel reality of the crisis facing California as it prepares to wave goodbye to Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former movie star who became its governor. He departs with catastrophic approval ratings but also a sense that the state's problems were too big even for a "Governator".

California, which once embodied a sun-soaked version of the American Dream, now has an unemployment rate of 12.4%, far above the national average. Its public education system is ranked bottom in the country. Its budget deficit is $19bn, and its government regularly has to issue IOUs. Some of its cities, such as Vallejo, have declared themselves bankrupt. A few people believe that a major metropolis, perhaps Los Angeles, could follow suit. With its sprawling suburbs and ample land, this state was at the centre of the property boom, and figures released late last week showed that it leads America in at least one thing: the rate of foreclosures.

Political commentators do not pull their punches when discussing the challenge that faces the next governor. "It is absolutely awful," said Barbara O'Connor, a professor at the University of California at Sacramento. "Many voters' fears here are basic. How will I keep my house? How will I feed my family? How will I keep my job?"

Answering those questions has not been easy for either candidate. Brown's campaign has attracted big-name supporters such as Bill Clinton and top donors including the Hollywood director Steven Spielberg, but it has relied mostly on the fact that Brown is one of the most familiar names in state politics. He is currently the state's attorney-general but earned his "Moonbeam" nickname from his period as governor from 1975 to 1983, when he expressed interest in space satellite technology. He has a narrow lead over Whitman in many polls, probably reflecting the desire of traumatised voters for somebody safe. "Jerry's been there before and he understands this. After Schwarzenegger I don't know that Californians want to give another outsider a chance," said O'Connor.

That is a problem for Whitman. Though she ran the auction website eBay, a California success story, she is not from the state and has little direct experience of politics. Brown's campaign has painted her as an outsider without the skills to take on the state's problems. What Whitman does have is money: lots of it. She has pumped more than $119m of her own cash into the race, filling the airwaves with adverts portraying him as just the sort of politician who created California's crisis.

Part of the reason this has yet to win Whitman a lead may be that, while her party is running on an anti-immigration platform, she employed an illegal immigrant housekeeper for nine years and sacked her just before her campaign began. The story did not play well with either the Republican base or the state's large Hispanic population. But Brown too has had his problems. His campaign was rocked by the surfacing of a tape on which one of his staffers can apparently be heard referring to Whitman as a "whore". "The race is not over. Jerry can shoot himself in the foot on any given day," O'Connor said.

But what of the man Whitman and Brown are hoping to replace? Schwarzenegger failed to tackle the political and economic paralysis that has exacerbated California's problems. He is derided by liberals for huge cuts to state employees' wages and services, like education. But he is also disliked by many conservatives for pushing through climate-change legislation that they say strangles economic growth. No wonder, then, that he is staying out of the campaign and has not even endorsed a successor. Indeed last week – most of which he spent on a trip to Russia – Schwarzenegger came out swinging against both Brown and Whitman. He denounced her as having sold out to big backers such as the police union, and him for the "unacceptable" language of "whoregate".

Of course, none of the bickering between any of them is doing much for California. Most experts believe Brokaw was right during last week's debate. His broken ankle will be healed much quicker than the Golden State's seemingly intractable problems.

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